Java GenericVisitorAdapter


What is Java GenericVisitorAdapter?

GenericVisitorAdapter is a class or tool commonly used when working with the visitor design pattern in Java, especially when working with abstract syntax trees (AST) or similar hierarchies. It simplifies the process of creating guest implementations by providing a base class that already implements a common guest interface, allowing developers to override only the methods of interest.

Brief description of Visitor Pattern:

The visitor pattern is a behavioral design pattern that separates algorithms from the object structures they act on. This is accomplished by defining a new "visitor" object that traverses the object structure and performs operations on the elements within it. Each element in the structure has an accept(Visitor visitor) method, which calls the corresponding method on the visitor object.

In the context of AST, the visitor pattern makes it possible to encapsulate the operation logic for syntax tree nodes into independent visitor classes, thereby keeping the node class's single responsibility and making it easy to add new operation logic without modifying the node class itself. Visitor mode is particularly useful when you need to traverse a syntax tree and perform different operations depending on the node type.

Role of GenericVisitorAdapter:

GenericVisitorAdapter usually appears in projects related to Java parser libraries (such as JavaParser), which can parse Java source code into a traversable AST. In these libraries, the node class will implement a common Visitable interface, and the visitor class needs to implement the corresponding Visitor interface, which defines the operation method for each node type.

Directly implementing the full Visitor interface may result in a large number of empty methods (because not all node types require specific processing). In order to solve this problem, the GenericVisitorAdapter class serves as a convenient implementation of the Visitor interface and presets the default behavior of all methods (usually doing nothing or returning a default value). Developers only need to inherit the GenericVisitorAdapter class and then override the methods corresponding to the node types that require custom processing.

For example, if you want to write a visitor that collects all variable names in the syntax tree, you can do this:

1. Create a class that inherits from GenericVisitorAdapter.

2. Rewrite the method corresponding to the variable declaration node (such as VariableDeclarator type), such as visit(VariableDeclarator node), and extract and store the variable name in this method.

3. For other node types that you don’t care about, there is no need to override their methods because they already have default empty implementations in the base class GenericVisitorAdapter.

As a practical implementation of the visitor pattern, GenericVisitorAdapter greatly reduces the workload of developers, allowing them to focus more on actual business logic processing without the need to write empty methods for each irrelevant node type. This design improves the simplicity and maintainability of the code and is a common tool when dealing with complex object structures, such as AST of Java code.

java genericvisitoradapter class code example

The following is a simplified sample code of the GenericVisitorAdapter class, which shows how to use generics to create an adapter class that can adapt to the visitor pattern of different data types.

import java.util.List;

public class GenericVisitorAdapter<T> {

    private List<T> elements;

    public GenericVisitorAdapter(List<T> elements) {

        this.elements = elements;


    public void accept(Visitor<T> visitor) {

        for (T element : elements) {




    interface Visitor<T> {

        void visit(T element);


    // Example usage

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        List<Integer> integers = List.of(1, 2, 3, 4, 5);

        GenericVisitorAdapter<Integer> adapter = new GenericVisitorAdapter<>(integers);

        adapter.accept(new Visitor<Integer>() {


            public void visit(Integer element) {

                System.out.println("Visited: " + element);





In this example, we define a generic Visitor interface, which has a visit method that accepts a generic parameter. The GenericVisitorAdapter class accepts a generic parameter T and holds an element of List<T>. The accept method iterates through this list and calls the accept method for each element, passing it a concrete Visitor implementation. This implementation prints out the accessed element. This is a simplified example, but it shows how to use generics and the visitor pattern to handle different types of data.

VoidVisitorAdapter and GenericVisitorAdapter are basic classes provided by the JavaParser library to simplify the implementation of the visitor pattern. They all follow the basic principle of the visitor pattern, which is to define an interface (`Visitor`) that contains access methods for each node type (each specific element in the AST). However, the main difference between the two is the method signature and return value:


1. Method signature: The access method in `VoidVisitorAdapter` does not return any value (the return type is `void`).


   public class MyVoidVisitor extends VoidVisitorAdapter<Void> {


       public void visit(ClassOrInterfaceDeclaration n, Void arg) {

           // Process the logic of the ClassOrInterfaceDeclaration node

           super.visit(n, arg);




2. Purpose: Usually used to implement tasks whose main purpose is to traverse and operate syntax trees, but do not need to return aggregate results. For example, delete a node, modify node attributes, and generate text output (such as source code reconstruction, code formatting, static code analysis, etc.). Since no value is returned, these operations can be done directly inside the method.

3. Parameters: The methods of VoidVisitorAdapter` usually receive a generic parameter (such as `Void` or other types, depending on specific needs), which can be used to pass context information or status during the traversal process, but in `VoidVisitorAdapter` In typical usage scenarios, this parameter is often set to the `Void` type, indicating that no additional information is passed.


1. Method signature: The access method in GenericVisitorAdapter` has a specific return type, which is usually some kind of data structure or result related to the accessed node type.


   public class MyGenericVisitor extends GenericVisitorAdapter<String, Object> {


       public String visit(MethodDeclaration n, Object arg) {

           //Return some information or calculation results about the MethodDeclaration node

           return n.getNameAsString();




2. Purpose: Suitable for tasks that require extracting information from syntax trees, calculating summary data, or building new structures. For example, collect all method names, count the number of lines, type check, generate intermediate code, etc. The return value can be of any type, depending on the specific business requirements.

3. Parameters: Also receives a generic parameter, used to carry context information or status during the traversal process, similar to `VoidVisitorAdapter`.

VoidVisitorAdapter` is suitable for traversal and operation tasks that do not require return values, such as modification, deletion, printing, etc. The `GenericVisitorAdapter` is suitable for scenarios where information needs to be extracted from the syntax tree and the results returned, such as analysis, statistics, report generation, etc. Choosing which one to use depends on whether your goal in processing the syntax tree is to produce an unambiguous output.